Contact & Legal

Responsible for this Internet presentation according to Telemediengesetz (TMG) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Knut Eric Wingsch

Company information:
Wingsch Real Estate Investments
Uhlandstraße 33
38102 Braunschweig

VAT Intercom. ID N°: DE246175677
Supervisory Authority: Staatliches Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Braunschweig
EORI identification number: DE7276990

Telephone: +49-531-70 21 03 85

For questions about privacy and stored data:

Privacy/Data protection:
You transmit your information voluntarily, e.g. by sending a mail, and at the same time agree to the storage and processing by us. We assure you that we will use these data only for the purpose of the contact between you and us and not for promotional purposes or to pass on to third parties for such purposes. Your data will not hand over to other parties without your consent, e.g. third parties shall become involved. To better protect your privacy requirements, we have installed a so-called “Do Not Track” plugin that is designed to prevent, e.g., social networks to collect information about your visit to our website. However, this can not be completely ruled out. If you do not want that the social media networks collect information about you through our website, you need to be logged out before you visit our website and do not use the social plugin’s and login’s while strolling through our website.

If you send us an e-mail, it will be stored and processed on our mail server. “Question and Answer” mails and the resulting personal information will be deleted 180 days after the final processing (Right to be forgotten). If our contact results in a business agreement, your data (gender, first name, last name, address, telephone number(s), e-mail address(es), date of birth and possibly required personal data) will be stored together with the complete business transaction information during the entire legal retention period and then deleted. Here, the right to be forgotten applies only after the expiry of the retention period (which begins after the complete processing of the business transaction), especially because of the code enforcement and the revenue service, and because of possible warranty claims. Your data are stored in a secure customer relationship management (CRM) software, where the entire contact and business development is documented. After signing a contract, you get online access to the CRM platform and thus have an complete overview of all information stored about the contact and business development at any time, as well as the possibility to load all data as ZIP-file. We only collect and store data that are needed to fulfil the given contracts and to safely operate our internet presentation. All of these data is stored in Germany.

Basically, it is up to you whether you want to accept cookies or not, by adjusting the settings of your browser accordingly. Almost all blog entries in this blog include maps from Google Maps and videos from YouTube, and the translation function of Google Translate in the navigation bar. The YouTube videos are initially switched “offline” and to “no cookie”, so they do not automatically “call home” or unsolicited hand out cookies. This happens only when you click on a video to watch it. You agree with the receipt of cookies at the same time. Google Maps and Google Translate doesn’t currently offer this option, but in its Privacy Policy (which also applies to YouTube), the company ensures full compliance with EU data protection laws for users in the European Union. If you’re logged in to your YouTube or Google Account at the same time as you visit our website, it will be associated with your account. If this shall not happen, you need to be logged out of both accounts before visiting our website. On our server, we use time-limited HTTP cookies only and exclusively for statistical purposes. The resulting personal data (IPs) are automatically deleted after expiration of the period, the accumulated total values are permanently preserved without being able to draw conclusions in detail about their composition.

In a nutshell: We aren’t interested in providing you with advertising in the broadest sense, but we want to know in general what visitors to the website are particularly interested in, in order to be able to react to it. All other uses of data are certainly interesting as well, but doesn’t help us any further (only personal contact and the resulting mutual opportunities) and are therefore not of use for us.

Liability notice:
Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.

Content of the website:
We assume no responsibility for the relevance, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims that relate to material or immaterial nature, which were caused by the use or disuse of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are excluded in principle, unless there is demonstrably intentional or grossly negligent fault. We expressly reserve the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice, or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

Use of the one-click social media plugin:
Our website uses a one-click plugin with buttons for sharing blog posts in social networks such as (“Facebook”), (“Twitter”), (“Google+”) and others, each with headquarters in the United States or the Federal Republic of Germany. The buttons are located at the end of each blog entry and are switched “Offline” by default, so that there is no data exchange with the social networks without your consent. The buttons are only activated when you press them and at the same time give your consent for data exchange. By clicking on the buttons, the social networks will be informed that you are visiting our website. If you are logged in into your social network user account at the same time, the visit of our website will be assigned to your user profile. If you interact with the buttons, for example by clicking the Facebook “share” button, the corresponding information is directly sent to Facebook, where it will be assigned, stored and released in connection with your user profile. This also applies analogously to the other social networks. If you do not want Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks to collect information about you with the help of our website, you should not use the buttons and be logged out on all social networks before you visit our website. If you click the buttons, then in addition the privacy policies of the respective social networks apply (Privacy Policy Facebook, Privacy Policy Twitter, Privacy Policy Google, Privacy Policy Pinterest, Privacy Policy Flipboard, Privacy Policy AddThis, Privacy Policy Pocket, Privacy Policy Diaspora, Privacy Policy Tumblr, Privacy Policy LinkedIn, and Privacy Policy Xing).

Use of Jetpack:
To evaluate our website we use Jetpack by WordPress. The service automatically collect anonymous visitor data in order to develop website statistics to help us to better understand the visitors use of our web site. If you operate an WordPress account but do not want that the company bring this in connection with your visit to our website, you need to be logged out with the network while visiting our web site. We only use the applications and services that work on our own server. For more informaton about Jetpack von WordPress visit

Use of other evaluations:
In addition to the aspects mentioned under “Use of Jetpack”, we use various evaluation options on our server, which are stored there anonymously. The evaluations have the same purpose and are stored in Germany. The personal data (IP addresses) are stored on our server mostly for the purpose of statistical analysis are automatically deleted after 60 days, while the accumulated totals are permanently preserved without being able to draw conclusions in detail about their composition. As part of the general website and server monitoring, conspicuous IPs are stored separately over a longer period of time and are handed over to third parties if needed.

Use of Flowpaper:
We use Flowpaper, a tool that can be used to create online catalogs (FlipBooks) that allow the presentation of PDF files in the form of flip catalogs or books. To view the catalog/book, you will be directed to a Flowpaper page. Your visit there will be registered and evaluated by Flowpaper. Information about Flowpaper can be found here: (Privacy policy Flowpaper).

Use of ResponsiveVoice:
In each post you will find a read out function. This feature is provided by ResponsiveVoice. Data will not be transferred until you click on the “Listen to this post” button (Privay Policy ResponsiveVoice).

Use of
We use to publish the blog entries on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The URL‘s of the blog entries are transmitted shortened, so that an evaluation of the clicks can be done by Data will not be transferred until you click on the links on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ (Privacy Policy

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